To ensure your safety, Bardenas By Locals (Destino Navarra – Tour Guides) has developed a safety protocol for all our guided visits in Navarre in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our protocol aligns with the WHO recommendations and the guidelines of the Spanish Tourism Quality Institute (ICTE) and the Spanish Confederation of Tour Guide Federations and Associations (AESPLA).
This protocol will be revisited as required on an on-going basis.
The Bardenas Reales and the rest of Navarre are safe destinies. We are committed to risk management. However, if you feel unwell, please stay home.
- Online booking and payment (cash handling should be minimised)
- Small groups or private visits (we have reduced the number of people we can welcome at any one time)
- Clean radio guides and headphones before each use
- The tour guide and the visitors must wear face masks at all time. Hand sanitiser should be offered to the customers
- Coordination with other companies to manage capacity limits in visitor attractions
- Informative measures to customers
- Protocol update on an on-going basis